About Us

First of all I wish to Introduce about Nexon News. It’s a start up in Media. I have started web portal in March 2019. I wish that my portal should know Ideal for Real Journalism. I have associated in many big Media Houses like Jansatta Express, Delhi Press, Hindustan and National Weekly Hamwatan having key posts.

You have to know I am not a rich man. My will power is so strong. I heard Journalism in my young age. Then I have decided to become a real Journalist. I have worked in Finance field one decade but not satisfied and resigned. I chose Journalism in my hard days. I cannot explain how pull on my family. But I did not leave my goal and finally I got my heart loving job As per my will power I am trying to connect young brigade of Journalist in my portal.

I have started portal Nexon News in Hindi. But I wish to start English News portal with same name. As you know that Yellow journalism is spreading in every media sector. They are making money as a Journalist. That’s not fair if you want to earn money you have to go other field like Doctor, Engineering and so on. If you are choosing this profession then you should decide what you want money or honest profession. As per my view so many persons are earning handsome, no doubt they getting respect in society. But In journalism you have to you have to maintain your professional Dignity.

In society Journalist known as Night watchman. So we have to pay attention for societal evils like corruption, Respect and security for women, Equality in society, Fight against injustice. At last I wish to thank which persons are joining me and my Portal